Does your business involve customer service, sales and payments, and does the word “invoice” occupy a large part of your day-to-day and your profession? Then this article is for you!
Data storage in the cloud can be the ideal solution for an effective management of your business.
Times change, companies change. Discover how you can adapt your business to a new reality.
Receipt and Settlement Note. Two terms that are related. But do you really know what sets them apart?
The search for new customers is the main objective of several companies. But is it the best option?
Recently, the term IVAucher has entered the vocabulary of many Portuguese people. Already part of yours?
Not sure what Mbway is or how it works? Want to know how to make your purchasing process smoother?
Only the ticket must be average. Knowledge about your business numbers needs to be broad, complete and unrestricted.
Tax-relevant documents will now include a QR Code and a Unique Document Code. Knew about this? In this article, we will inform you about all the changes and news about this topic.
The secrets in the restaurant should only be in the recipes for the dishes. Not in your business numbers.
Do you intend to make your business more attractive to the tourists who visit you? Find out how you can do it.
Did you know that Viva Wallet is the first European payment service provider, entirely cloud-based?
Welcome to full control of your food and beverage operation as you've always wanted: all inclusive.